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Smokers Lines, Lip Rejuvenation

Deep wrinkles of the lip & mouth area, also known as smokers lines, can be safely & effectively treated with lasers. The laser of choice depends on the depth of these wrinkles. In most cases the use of soft tissue fillers will augment the results of laser resurfacing. Dynamic wrinkles can be treated with anti-wrinkle injections & hyaluronic acid dermal fillers. 

Key Points

  • Lip lines are a combination of muscle movements & age-related decrease in collagen
  • Treatments are aimed at increasing collagen production
  • We use lasers, chemical peels, & injectables to restore collagen & remove decades of sun damage & wrinkling
  • Smokers lines treatments are specifically customised for you
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Lip rejuvenation, smoker’s lines at a glance

Best outcomes: 1-2 sessions
Procedure time: 15-30 minutes
Duration of results: 5-15 years
Back to work: 3-8 days
Recovery: 4-10 days
Anaesthetic: Blocks, sedation
Your specialist: Laser nurse, dermatologist
How much: $$-$$$$

Our results speak for themselves



smokers line treatment brisbane cutis dermatologu

Full ablative laser, 1 session, medium depth resurfacing. 6 day recovery.

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    Dermal Fillers Treatment

    HA based dermal filler for smokers’ lines. Fillers have minimal downtime.

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      lip lines filler lip rejuvenation treatment cutis dermatology brisbane

      Lip fillers can improve smoker’s lines, restore volume & rehydrate the dermis.

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        How do we treat smokers lines?

        Dermatologists employ lasers & peels to erase deep lines, & dermal fillers to address volume loss. We also provide surgical options for marked laxity & jowling. The ideal combination of treatments depends on your presentation, & goals. 

        What are dynamic versus static wrinkles of the upper lip?

        Fold a piece of paper, notice the permanent line from the fold? The same applies to skin when you articulate. Pout, look in the mirror. If the wrinkles match the pout then you have dynamic wrinkles. Dynamic means wrinkles secondary to movement



        Static wrinkles are present at rest. They are due to age & UV related breakdown of collagen. In reality, most people over the age of 50 will have both dynamic & static wrinkles. 

        What types of lasers do we use to treat lip lines/smoker’s lines?

        The best laser is a CO2, followed by erbium lasers. At Cutis Dermatology we employ 5 types of lasers for upper lip rejuvenation. 

        • Fully ablative CO2 & erbium, best for deep lines & wrinkles. 8-9 day recovery.
        • Fractional & hybrid lasers, second best for deep lines. 5-7 day recovery.
        • Non-ablative lasers, best for mild wrinkles, 4-6 day recovery. 

        What are the pros & cons of treatments for smoker’s lines?

        This table summarizes treatments. At Cutis Dermatology we cover all bases, from epic resurfacing to warm & fuzzy treatments. 


        Deep laser resurfacing Hybrid laser 


        Injectable fillers

        & toxin

        Fuzzy treatments-

        Threads, microneedling

        1 session. 

        8+ d recovery 

        1-2 sessions. 

        4-6 d recovery

        1-2 sessions.

        Very little downtime

        3-7 sessions

        2-4 day recovery

        Predictable results

        10-15+ years 

        Predictable results

        5-10 years

        Predictable results

        4-20 months 

        Poor results

        6-12 months

        Cost $$$$$ Cost $$-$$$ Cost $$ Cost $$-$$$ all up

        How do I know what is the best treatment for my wrinkles?

        Book a FREE consultation with our procedural nurses. They are experts in perioral rejuvenation & will advise you on effective treatments for wrinkles.

        In most cases Hybrid Laser Resurfacing is the treatment of choice. One session will reduce between 50 to 70% of static wrinkling. Treatments are affordable, with a sensible recovery time. 

        Dermatologists can provide solutions for more complex cases of rejuvenation. 

        *T&C applies.

        Learn more 

        How much are treatments?

        More affordable than you think. Our nurses are exceptionally skilled in deep laser resurfacing. Hybrid resurfacing starts at $1290.

        Deeper, more complex treatments are performed by dermatologists. Book a FREE nurse consultation for an assessment. *T&C applies. 

        What type of chemical peels can be used?

        Chemical peels are a great way of stimulating collagen production, in turn reducing wrinkles. 

        • For very fine lines & wrinkle prevention, AHA peels can be beneficial. 
        • For established wrinkles, the peel of choice is Jessner TCA. This has a downtime of 8 + days. 

        For deep wrinkles, our dermatologists will often combine deep peels with fractional lasers for better results. 

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        Medik8 Physical Sunscreen SPF50+

        Dermaceutic All Things Pigment 21 Day Kit

        Depending on the depth of lip wrinkles as well as the degree of dynamic movements, our specialists use a combination of lasers, deep chemical peels, collagen stimulating dermal fillers & anti-wrinkle injections to effectively remove even the deepest of lip lines.

        Can fillers make a difference?

        Yes, especially collagen stimulating fillers. You must have a specific lip length to get away with this. Too much filler is not a great look. 

        For fine lines, we do use hyaluronic acid fillers in a cross-hatching pattern, often in combination with muscle relaxants. 

        Do PDO threads work?

        Results are marginal. PDO thread ‘lifts’ are best as a firming treatment. They can marginally improve lip lines but are best combined with lasers & injectables. 

        Can microneedling work?

        Results are marginal at best. We use microneedling for dermal delivery of topicals, not wrinkles. In the context of wrinkles, RF microneedling works better as it delivers heat.


        Lasers are much more effective than microneedling, as collagen stimulation requires controlled heating. 


        We do have RF microneedling devices, including Infini & Genius RF. We don’t use them much for the upper lip as CO2 lasers deliver better results. 

        Can an anti-wrinkle cream treat wrinkles?

        Anti-wrinkle creams are best for wrinkle prevention. For established upper lip lines, creams will not reverse aging. Post treatment you should start on skincare that contains-

        • Retinol
        • Antioxidants
        • Niacinamide
        • Ascorbic acid

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        Why do smoker’s lines only occur in females?

        There is scientific evidence based on this statement, as –


        • Females do not have coarse hair on the upper lip. These act to support the skin
        • Dermis is thinner in females
        • Beard hair protects male from UV exposure that degrades collagen
        • Shaving is a form of dermaplaning, hence stimulates collagen production

        What is the dreaded milk mo, and how to avoid it?

        This term refers to the look when resurfacing is so deep, pigment cells are lost. Hence the upper lip is white. This can be avoided by-

        • Conservative & sane resurfacing
        • Blending the surrounding skin
        • Early treatment with pigment stimulators

        Learn more 

        What factors should be considered in lip rejuvenation?

        This common area of rejuvenation can be tricky. Always select a provider who has all the skill sets to address the primary concern. If you see someone who can only inject, you will only be offered injectables. The same goes for lasers. Consider-

        • Skill sets to match optimal treatments for your type of wrinkles. They must know how to inject, laser, peel & operate. 
        • Clinical findings. What is your ratio of static vs dynamic wrinkling.
        • Blending. Unless you wear make up all the time, blending is required for a natural outcome. 
        • Downtime. This is not negotiable if you have deep wrinkles. There is no magical procedure to plane down wrinkles without recovery. Deep peels & lasers have a downtime of 8-9 days. 

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