We have been rejuvenating lips for the past 15 years! Our specialist team of injectors & dermatologists apply the latest techniques to create a natural, refreshed look that is customized for each patient– not a cookie-cutter approach.
Our specialised lip rejuvenation treatment options include:
- 皮肤填充剂
- 混合激光换肤
- Anti-Wrinkle Skin Care
- Erbium Laser
- 抗皱注射
Treatments for Lip Rejuvenation
Customized lip rejuvenation treatments
Think beyond injectables- laser skin rejuvenation
Our specialist team has earned the reputation for excellence in bespoke facial rejuvenation. We create a natural, refreshed look that is customized for each patient– not a cookie-cutter approach. We consider the best options for your lips, including dermal fillers, muscle relaxants, lasers, peels, surgery & threads.
Laser skin rejuvenation goes beyond injectables. Lasers promote your skin to manufacture your own collagen & offer a long-term solution for wrinkles. Our team can rejuvenate skin by as much as one decade using Hybrid Laser Resurfacing using a combination of superficial lasers & deep fractional resurfacing.
No trout pout by our injectors
Erasing smoker’s lines
While some people are born with thin lips, others have lips that have started to lose volume resulting in thinning lips with down turning of the corners. Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid fillers is a non-surgical treatment option to enhance structure & volume to the lips. Our dermatologists & injectors can augment lips, creating smooth, natural-looking results.
Upper lip lines can really show your age. Fortunately, lasers & deep chemical peels can reliably reduce deep creases & wrinkles, rejuvenating the lip area. Our specialist team uses ablative lasers to literally erase wrinkles in one 30-minute procedure. We blend the surrounding areas to create a natural wrinkle free transition to the cheeks & jawline.
Our specialist team has earned the reputation for excellence in bespoke facial rejuvenation. We create a natural, refreshed look that is customized for each patient– not a cookie-cutter approach. We consider the best options for your lips, including dermal fillers, muscle relaxants, lasers, peels, surgery & threads.
为什么选择 Cutis 皮肤科?
We have been rejuvenating lips for the past 15 years! Our specialist team of injectors & dermatologists apply the latest techniques, laser & energy device as well as minimally invasive surgery to address the aging lip.
We think beyond the lip & treat the perioral area for a seamless blend. This is especially important for the aging patient.
How to view lip rejuvenation?
Look beyond the lip – especially important in the mature patient. It is more than just volume & definition. Defining the borders on a 55-year-old look not only looks silly, but it’s also unnatural & not age appropriate. The same goes for volume.
Our motto at Cutis ‘Age-Appropriate Rejuvenation”.
We look at the entire structure of the lip & perioral area, looking carefully at the ratios, corner support, skin quality of the upper & lower lip & the adjacent cheeks. We consider the level of eversion & importantly, support. We then apply appropriate treatments. In many cases it involves dermal soft tissue fillers, but we also employ lasers, deep peels, & surgery where required.
What can fillers achieve?
Dermal fillers can replace lip volume, provide structure & support to the perioral area & stimulate collagen to reduce upper lip lines.
At Cutis Dermatology we use an array of fillers, including hyaluronic acid & collagen stimulating fillers for the lip area.
How much dermal filler is required?
20s-30s: one to two syringes.
30s-40s: Two to three syringes, including the perioral areas.
50s & beyond: Three to five, this includes the perioral areas.
Dermal fillers last between 7 to 18 months, depending on the type & your metabolism.
Do we do fat transfer?
Yes, our dermatologists are trained to perform fat transfer. Consider fat if there is a significant amount of volume loss. Fat is the lip itself does not look good – think 2 big sausages. The downside of fat is that it provides very little structural & definition properties, as compared to dermal fillers. Structure & definition are important for lip rejuvenation.
Fat can be useful in the perioral area for volumetric filling, nano fat & ASC or adipose stem cells can provide marginal skin rejuvenation.
What is the best laser for lip wrinkles?
CO2 lasers are best for collagen remodelling & rejuvenation. They can be dialled in according to the depth of wrinkles, & the extent of surface imperfections.
- Fully ablative lasers are gold standard, albeit high costs & downtime.
- Fractional hybrid lasers give 80% of the results with much less downtime & costs.
What is structural filling & how does it work?
Structural dermal fillers provide support to the lip, including the corners of the mouth, the upper & lower lip. This is especially important for the aging lips (over the age of 40).
We use both hyaluronic acid fillers & collagen stimulating fillers for structural work. Most cases require 2 sessions, spaced between 1-4 weeks apart. Remember, if we are treating lips in the fifth decade of life, always start off with structure before volume.
What is microTox & how does it work?
Tox or anti-wrinkle injections reduce muscle moments, in turn relaxing dynamic wrinkles. These wrinkles follow the folds when you pout. Injections are just enough to relax wrinkles without affecting speech, drinking, or eating. This last 2-4 months.
What is the rate limiting factor in lips over 60 years of age?
Your dentition, namely your jawbone & teeth. This supports soft tissue. Mouth & lip size involute with age. In some cases, the answer is a lip lift.
What is a lip lift & who will benefit?
In some cases, a lip lift surgical procedure is the treatment of choice. This can be done-
- Early as some patients have a long upper lip to nasal spine ratio.
- Late as the aging lip elongates this distance. Dermatologists will remove enough upper lip tissue to provide better elevation of the upper lip, enabling better teeth show, & eversion of the upper lip itself.
Scar are hidden in the nasal crease. Ideal patients have a wide alar base as this redistributes the forces evenly.
Can microneedling treat lip lines & wrinkles?
Microneedling is best for very fine lines & wrinkles. It is not great at lip rejuvenation as the skin thickness is the greatest surrounding the mouth. The downside of microneedling is the inefficiency of the procedure as no heat is generated. A simple laser resurfacing procedure is far more effective, cost effective & has a shorter total recovery time.
What is radiofrequency microneedling, & is it good?
RFM or radiofrequency microneedling is better than microneedling because it uses controlled heating. It is 3-5 times more efficient at generating collagen than microneedling, but not as efficient as CO2 Hybrid laser resurfacing. We do offer Genius RFM at Cutis, but lasers do a better job.
What can PDO threads achieve?
Threads are great to improve skin tone, turgor & firmness. They are not great for the upper lip (in isolation). They can give some structural improvement when combined with lasers, dermal fillers or HIFU.
Learn more. (link to PDO threads)
What can be done about nasolabial folds?
Lots, but having some fold is natural. In some patients we approach the NL fold with direct filling of the area. In other cases, we use fillers to support the fold from above. As guide, NL folds require between 1-2 syringes of hyaluronic acid filler.