The Asian face has unique anatomical features that require a different approach to facial rejuvenation and enhancement compared to Western counterparts. Adding volume can correct deficiencies on cheeks, chin, nose, and temples. Other cosmetic treatments can reduce facial width, giving a more V-shaped face. With cosmetics and threads, we can reshape most faces for a more harmonious profile.
美容治疗应该是定制的,不仅要解决个人和与年龄有关的变化,还要解决种族问题。 年轻化和强化 应该牢记这些因素,同时尊重文化解剖学上的差异。
Read more to find out how I approach skin treatments across the ages.
年轻的病人将受益于解决与种族有关的解剖学缺陷的程序,同时 防止与紫外线有关的胶原蛋白流失和不必要的 色素沉着。
The most frequent area I treat in this age group is the medial cheek & tear trough areas. Adding volume can provide support to the lid cheek junction, in turn decreasing shadows that give rise to dark circles.
Volume replacement is important in this decade as we go through age related changes including reducing of fat, collagen & bone. Conservative use will not only enhance but maintain.
皮肤质量和亮度可以通过激光来改善和保持,如Fraxel、LaseMD、Clear & Brilliant、Picoway/Picosure和真皮调理。
最重要的是, 皮肤紧致。一般来说,亚洲患者保持其胶原蛋白质量的时间较长,但绝经后,胶原蛋白的生产和收缩明显下降,导致下巴、眼袋和皱纹的出现。
Volume along the jawline, & cheek can displace & volumize, diminishing jowls. Skin quality & pigmentation can be improved with lasers, peels & clinical creams.
亚洲人的面部有独特的 年龄和文化的解剖特征 。与西方人相比,这需要采取不同的方法来进行面部年轻化和增强。
Why is adding volume unique in Asian enhancement?
Eastern aesthetics in general are different from the traditional Westerners. Some examples of commonly performed volume adding procedures include-
- Tear trough for dark circles and medial lid-cheek enhancement
- 液体隆鼻术来确定鼻子的形状
- 下巴和下颌骨整形(最常与瘦脸结合使用)。
- Fat transfer is another alternative
亚洲人的审美是独特的,即在大多数情况下,目的是为了拉长和瘦身。亚洲女性通常脸型宽大,下巴线条强烈,棱角分明。其目的是 软化面部轮廓,使之更像一个椭圆形,而不是 "方正 "的形状。
The most commonly performed method to slim the face is to target the masseter muscle just in front & below the ear. This slims the face, whilst volume to the chin can elongate, giving a nice subtle taper.
解决黑眼圈的根本原因是很重要的。在亚洲人种中,一个主要因素是与泪沟 有关的,加上上颌骨发育不良或缺乏前凸)。通过 建立和支持脸颊中部 区域,可以减少导致黑眼圈的阴影。
I occasionally use fat transfer in this area (pros & cons discussed elsewhere).
黑眼圈的其他原因包括血管,或突出的毛细血管和静脉。简单的血管激光或IPL-BBL可以帮助。对于因黑色素或炎症后的皮肤颜色变化而导致的色素增加,皮米 或纳米激光可以帮助。
皮肤护理是超级重要的。 透明质酸面霜可以补水,视黄醇和肽可以增加胶原蛋白,而抗坏血酸、生育酚、阿魏酸和绿茶可以防止紫外线和环境氧化。咖啡因和氨甲环酸可以改变导致黑眼圈的血管。